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World Photography Day, the beauty of an image

Smile for World Photography Day! The annual celebration of the art, craft, science, and history of photography, known as World Photography Day, takes place on August 19th worldwide. It’s a fantastic opportunity to encourage those who are enthusiastic about photography to get together and showcase their work. Ready to learn more about this celebra... Show more

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Photography is the art of making memories vivid and alive


Photography is the final result of a process that relies on different objects and actions, let’s unwind them!

World Photography Day Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(87, 128, 190)
  • RGB rgb(87, 128, 190)
  • CMYK rgb(87, 128, 190)
  • HSL rgb(87, 128, 190)
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Havelock Blue, the intelligent choice

This calming and intelligent hue is a fantastic hue for your World Photography Day projects, helping to evoke a sense of tranquility. Its hue reflects the atmosphere, quite literally, with feelings of tranquility and contemplation, playing a vital role in the color palette. It provides neutral ground between the other, more radiant colors. Perhaps a supportive color such as this could bring balance to your composition as a whole as it works with elements, creating contrast against darker tones. Audiences will enjoy the timeless feel this color brings to your creative projects, perhaps motivating positive thoughts. Overall, a complimentary hue to your World Photography Day themes.

  • HEX rgb(86, 176, 235)
  • RGB rgb(86, 176, 235)
  • CMYK rgb(86, 176, 235)
  • HSL rgb(86, 176, 235)
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Blue Jeans, the color of confidence

You may have once had a pair of reliable, supportive jeans that provided you with confidence. Well, this color similarly provides your audience with very much the same kind of feeling! To blow your mind even further, photographers love jeans! So here we have a more than suitable color in your World Photography Day color palette. Its bright optimism will help relieve stress, while its non-confrontational approach will open up communication and friendliness. Working alongside other blues in your color palette can help to create depth in your designs. Perhaps you can try to make a gradient with them!

  • HEX rgb(184, 221, 248)
  • RGB rgb(184, 221, 248)
  • CMYK rgb(184, 221, 248)
  • HSL rgb(184, 221, 248)
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Pale Cornflower Blue, the tranquil tone

This pale tone of blue comes from the cornflower’s flower. As it sways from side to side in the steady breeze, its hue reflects the atmosphere of tranquility and contemplation it finds itself in. It plays a vital role in the color palette, providing neutral ground between the other blues in the palette. Perhaps a supportive color such as this could bring balance to your composition as a whole, working with elements and creating contrast against darker tones. Audiences will enjoy the timeless feel this color brings to your creative projects, perhaps motivating positive thoughts. Overall, a complimentary hue to your World Photography day themes.

  • HEX rgb(187, 105, 80)
  • RGB rgb(187, 105, 80)
  • CMYK rgb(187, 105, 80)
  • HSL rgb(187, 105, 80)
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Copper Red, the color of warmth

This hue will most certainly warm things up a bit. Its close resemblance to copper, the conducting metal, it likes to provide a warm, homely feel to its observers. The additional mix of orange and brown gives off its elemental glow, ultimately creating an irresistible sheen. Such a strong color will provide opportunities to push contrast in your designs, further adding depth to your project’s vocabulary. In addition, Copper Red can also support other elements, such as fonts, backgrounds, and borders, filling in the details that matter to your composition. Give this hue some attention and see where it leads you!

  • HEX rgb(235, 189, 144)
  • RGB rgb(235, 189, 144)
  • CMYK rgb(235, 189, 144)
  • HSL rgb(235, 189, 144)
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File available in .ASE format

Gold Crayola, use with respect, and you’ll be greatly rewarded

When representing wealth and self-confidence, gold is an obvious choice. This mid-tone gold is a statement, a luxury, and provides us with empowerment and satisfaction, making for a fantastic element in your extravagant World Photography Day design projects! When used respectively, it can provide exquisite results, adding intricate detail to invitations and banner designs. Furthermore, you can utilize such a color for your typography or calligraphy, resulting in an elegant display, especially when supporting such exquisite photography. Use this hue sparingly, and it will reward you with fantastic results.

World Photography Day Fonts


Capturing images and stopping time: The history and richness of Photography

As they say, “photography is the story we fail to put into words,” and since its first appearance in the early nineteenth century, it turned the world upside down—no pun intended! But since we first became aware of the camera obscura phenomenon, we’ve been intrigued and motivated to document what is in front of us. This dates all the way back to the fourth century BCE. Up until the 16th century, astronomy and optics research, particularly the safe observation of solar eclipses without endangering the eyes, were the main uses of the camera obscura. Let’s explore and learn about the evolution of photography over time!


Capturing light and shadows

The birth of photography

Giambattista della Porta dedicated the majority of his life to scientific pursuits. He was a devoted scientist, and he refined the camera obscura, a device where light would enter through a pinhole and be projected in reverse against a wall, making it the first example of photography. Della Porta described this device as having a convex lens in a later edition of the manuscript “Magia Naturalis.” Despite the fact that he was not the inventor, the popularity of this work helped raise awareness and knowledge of it. He compared the shape of the human eye to the lens in his camera obscura and demonstrated how light could bring images into the eye in a very simple way.



The inception of photography

In 1826, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce applied his original technique known as heliography. The name is derived from the Greek words “Helios,” which means sun, and “graphein,” meaning writing. The very first heliographic engraving was printed from a metal plate produced by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1825, and it is the oldest known photograph captured in this format. Based on a 17th-century Flemish engraving, the first image depicted a man leading a horse. This technique was eventually refined with the help and evolution of the daguerreotype, resulting in the first steps in the development of photography. In 1829, Niépce formed a partnership with Louis Daguerre, who was also trying to figure out how to create permanent photographic images using a camera, and the rest is history.


The daguerreotype

An unexpected competition

One of the founders of photography, Louis-Jacques Daguerre, is credited with developing the daguerreotype photography process, which bears his name. In the mid-1830s, Daguerre’s research coincided with Henry Fox Talbot’s photographic experiments in England. Talbot had no idea that Daguerre’s late partner Niépce had managed to capture similar small camera images on silver-chloride-coated paper nearly twenty years before! With no information about the precise nature of the images or the process itself, Talbot assumed that techniques similar to his own must have been used when the first reports of the French Academy of Sciences announcement of Daguerre’s invention reached him. He immediately wrote an open letter to the Academy affirming the priority of invention. Just days before France declared the invention “free to the world,” Daguerre’s agent applied for a British patent on his behalf. As a result, the United Kingdom was denied France’s gift and became the only country where license fees were required.


World Photography Day

The birth of a Commemoration

Every August 19th, people pay homage to the inventors and pioneers of photography. Without them, the skill so many cherish and love today wouldn’t be what it is. The purpose of World Photography Day is to raise awareness, encourage the sharing of ideas, and inspire new photographers. After all, we all love and treasure our own personal photos, but there are also fascinating pictures that tell a story. These pictures give us unique hindsight with information about important periods in history or can even help us understand the world better. In the end, a picture really does speak a thousand words, doesn’t it? The idea to recognize this day as World Photography Day was spearheaded in 2009, and ever since, it has been bringing photographers from all over the globe, no matter their age, gender, cameras, or their inspiration.