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Breast Cancer Awareness Month goes Global

10 days until Breast Cancer Awareness Month: a tribute to brave fighters

Every year, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated, turning the entire month of October pink. The occasion has brought about massive attention and funding to breast cancer research, resulting in significant progress. More women than ever before are now going for breast cancer screenings, saving countless lives. Let’s find out how this event... Show more

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Resources used for Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Symbols that shaped Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(170, 130, 244)
  • RGB rgb(170, 130, 244)
  • CMYK rgb(170, 130, 244)
  • HSL rgb(170, 130, 244)
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Lavender Floral

As the name suggests, this pigment originates from the world-renowned Lavender. A wildflower that covers forest floors in the late spring, often with poetic results. This color perfectly captures the essence of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, symbolizing purity, serenity, and grace—all qualities that draw the right kind of attention to this important cause. Such a deep color provides a strong presence in your creative designs, pulling in attention while doing so gently and with style. A practical color it may be, but don’t stop yourself from letting your hair down and seeing where this wonderful hue might take you.

  • HEX rgb(134, 163, 239)
  • RGB rgb(134, 163, 239)
  • CMYK rgb(134, 163, 239)
  • HSL rgb(134, 163, 239)
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Cornflower Blue

This soft tone of blue comes from the cornflower’s flower. As it sways from side to side in the steady breeze, its hue reflects the atmosphere of tranquility and contemplation it finds itself in. It plays a vital role in the color palette, providing neutral ground between the other more radiant colors. Perhaps a supportive color such as this could bring balance to your composition as a whole, working with elements and creating contrast against darker tones. Audiences will enjoy the timeless feel this color brings to your creative projects, perhaps motivating positive thoughts. Over all, a complimentary hue to your Breast Cancer Awareness month themes.

  • HEX rgb(250, 82, 108)
  • RGB rgb(250, 82, 108)
  • CMYK rgb(250, 82, 108)
  • HSL rgb(250, 82, 108)
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Wild Watermelon

If there ever was a fruit that puts a smile on your face, watermelon will most certainly accomplish that. This delightful hue will do nothing else but infuse fun and kinetic energy into your projects. It’s almost neon pink appearance will definitely have heads turning to observe its juicy vibrance. Another important aspect is its resemblance to the pink used in pretty much all the Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns over the years, so using pink might not be an option. A wild color such as this will be great fun to work with, making your creative projects stand out from the crowd strikingly and energetically.

  • HEX rgb(253, 126, 156)
  • RGB rgb(253, 126, 156)
  • CMYK rgb(253, 126, 156)
  • HSL rgb(253, 126, 156)
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Tickle Me Pink

Here we have a pink that will tickle you if you stare at it long enough. Joking aside, this is the pink of all pinks and the dominant color of your palette. It is the closest pink to the original pink ribbon design, and so it will catch the attention of your Breast Cancer Awareness Month audience! In addition to its purposeful role in the palette, it symbolizes femininity, love, and optimism, a very welcome personality to warm up your creative projects. A fun color like this deserves all the attention it can get, so making it a feature of your design will reward you with eye-catching visual communication.

  • HEX rgb(253, 181, 45)
  • RGB rgb(253, 181, 45)
  • CMYK rgb(253, 181, 45)
  • HSL rgb(253, 181, 45)
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Bright Yellow Crayola

A bright variant of yellow is a fantastic tribute to your Breast Cancer Awareness Month projects. It has a glow that can remind you of the morning sun on a summer’s day, providing a comforting feel, which can help to balance out your composition till it’s just right. On the other hand, it’s fun and kinetic energy can wake up your audience to action and party! Give this hue a try for yourself. You might find yourself having a lot of fun pushing this color to its limits, finding its multiple personalities work in your favor in creating striking Breast Cancer Awareness Month design projects.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Fonts


How did Breast Cancer Awareness Month become global?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month has become a huge event that takes place annually, recognized in hundreds of countries around the world. But, not too long ago, there were barely any efforts to raise awareness about the disease—it was essentially a taboo subject! It’s crazy to think that a disease claiming over 2 million lives each year was once stigmatized, but it took a courageous lady, some corporate muscle, and major funding from cosmetic giants and pharmaceutical companies to bring it into the spotlight. The story of Breast Cancer Awareness Month may sound more like a business strategy than a simple charity effort. Let’s take a look at this fascinating timeline and learn just how this meaningful movement unfolded.


Betty Ford

Betty Ford: First Lady, Women’s Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer

In 1974, after her husband Gerald R. Ford became President of the United States, Betty Ford’s life as First Lady was subject to intense scrutiny. Later that year, during a routine checkup, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time, breast cancer was rarely discussed publicly, and awareness was limited. However, Betty chose to break the silence by making her diagnosis and treatment public. Just shortly after her mastectomy, the White House held a press conference announcing that the surgery was a success, crediting early detection. Her openness led to an outpouring of support and inspired a surge of women to seek breast cancer screenings. Betty’s strength and advocacy made her a voice for women everywhere, helping to destigmatize breast cancer. She reflected on this pivotal moment in her 1978 memoir, “Betty Ford: First Lady, Women’s Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer.”


American Cancer Society

The first Breast Cancer Awareness campaign

The American Cancer Society (ACS), founded in 1913, was established by a group of volunteers with the mission to eradicate cancer and improve survival rates. In October 1985, it partnered up with the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries (now known as AstraZeneca) to create the first campaign dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer. The week-long event featured former First Lady Betty Ford, who shared her own experience fighting breast cancer. The campaign focused on educating women and men about breast cancer, how to spot the signs, and promoted mammogram screenings, a machine built to find cancer cells in breast tissue. In addition to spreading awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness Month also called for donations to support breast cancer research, providing funds to develop treatments and improve patients' quality of life.


The dawn of the pink ribbon

The big corporations muscling their way into charity on the world stage

The inspiration for the globally recognized pink ribbon evolved from the massive ribbon boom of 1992, which the New York Times called "The Year of the Ribbon." The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation began distributing pink ribbons to every participant in the New York City Race for the Cure. However, the ribbon was a finer detail against the race itself and didn’t catch on. Alexandra Penney, editor-in-chief of Self magazine at the time, and guest editor Evelyn Lauder saw the potential of the ribbon and sought to distribute the symbol through cosmetic stores in New York City and across the country. However, it turned out a woman had already beaten them to it. Charlotte Haley, a woman who had suffered tremendous loss from the disease, had already been distributing batches of handmade peach-colored ribbons from her kitchen. Self Magazine got in touch with Charlotte, proposing to elevate her efforts, but after she refused, Self Magazine and its lawyers simply took the ribbon concept and changed the color to pink! The pink ribbon is now the primary emblem of support for breast cancer awareness.


Global Illumination

October is the month the world is dresses in Pink!

With the backing of corporate giants, the pink ribbon had hit the international stage. In 2000, the fragrance and cosmetic company Estée Lauder Inc. launched Global Illumination, a powerful international campaign that involved illuminating some of the world's most recognized landmarks in pink, such as the Tower of London, Niagara Falls, and the Sydney Opera House. The event even set a new Guinness World Record for Most Landmarks Illuminated for a Cause in 24 hours! This kind of attention ultimately provided Breast Cancer Awareness Month a global platform. With such success, the world has benefitted from increased awareness of the disease, ultimately saving countless lives and giving women all around the world a voice to talk about an issue that was once considered taboo.