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Children’s Day, the dawn of children’s rights

In 1925, the international community held a UN summit in Geneva called the World Conference for the Well-being of Children. The meeting established standards to enforce support and basic rights for children worldwide, leading to the right to education, healthcare, and protection against all forms of exploitation. Today, although not recognized as a... Show more

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Engaging resources for Children’s Day


Special symbols that represent Children’s Day

Children’s Day Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(242, 155, 212)
  • RGB rgb(242, 155, 212)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 155, 212)
  • HSL rgb(242, 155, 212)
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Orchid Crayola: comforting and full of love

This pink hue is a delightful addition to your Children’s Day color palette. With close ties to nurturing, love, and constant attention, it will provide your audience with a comforting atmosphere. Orchid Crayola also strongly associates with baby girls and the connection between mother and daughter, a fitting addition to your child-friendly designs. In addition to its purposeful role in the palette, it symbolizes jubilant new beginnings and hope, a very welcome personality to warm up your creative projects. A fun color like this deserves all the attention it can get, so making it a feature of your design will reward you with eye-catching visual communication.

  • HEX rgb(242, 209, 201)
  • RGB rgb(242, 209, 201)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 209, 201)
  • HSL rgb(242, 209, 201)
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Coral Candy, the softer playful pink

Give range to your color palette. This soft pink tone is easily approachable and does well to balance the equation with the other more vibrant colors. It’s almost skin-like texture provides a comforting ailment to your creations and can give the audience a sense of closeness and familiarity. A subtle color such as this can provide opportunities to experiment with contrast or shading, bringing your elements into the light. In addition, it has a playful side to it. Maybe it reminds you of the pastel colors you once used to do your first drawings with. Perhaps this is the kind of atmosphere Coral Candy can deliver.

  • HEX rgb(80, 191, 139)
  • RGB rgb(80, 191, 139)
  • CMYK rgb(80, 191, 139)
  • HSL rgb(80, 191, 139)
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Ocean Green, bringing the outside in

A rich green is definitely needed for your Children’s Day color palette. After all, it has a very close relationship with nature and all things green, of course. It plants the idea of outside play and freedom, exactly what a child needs. It naturally associates itself with good health, rebirth, and positivity, further enriching your creative projects. Ocean Green will quite happily provide strength to your Children’s Day-themed projects, filling your elements, borders, and typography with the colors of the countryside while providing a strong and optimistic atmosphere to your themes. In addition, it will promote well-being and happiness to your audience.

  • HEX rgb(242, 188, 121)
  • RGB rgb(242, 188, 121)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 188, 121)
  • HSL rgb(242, 188, 121)
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Mellow Apricot, the fruit of youth

Welcome to the cool side of the pillow. Mellow Apricot is here to invoke the feeling of serenity and tranquility in any situation. The name apricot comes from the fruit, often of which is a popular sauce of nutrition and vitamins for young ones. The color itself signifies excitement, friendliness, and enthusiasm, the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle. It also carries with it the feeling of home and a strong base. Its neutral tone will provide the designer with many opportunities, taking a supportive role in the color palette; it is often used as a fill or background color. You can really mellow out with this color. Let’s see where it takes you!

  • HEX rgb(148, 189, 242)
  • RGB rgb(148, 189, 242)
  • CMYK rgb(148, 189, 242)
  • HSL rgb(148, 189, 242)
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Baby Blue Eyes, the color of tranquility and contemplation

This soft tone of blue represents the fresh eyes of a newborn as it opens its eyes for the first time. Its hue reflects the atmosphere of tranquility and contemplation it finds itself in, playing a vital role in the color palette. It provides neutral ground between the other, more radiant colors. Perhaps a supportive color such as this could bring balance to your composition as a whole as it works with elements, creating contrast against darker tones. Audiences will enjoy the timeless feel this color brings to your creative projects, perhaps motivating positive thoughts. Overall, a complimentary hue to your Children’s Day themes.


The origins of Children’s Day

At the turn of the 20th century, the world had become a very different place. With the industrial age feeding into two World Wars, the resulting difficulties the world faced saw dramatic increases in poverty and starvation worldwide. Desperate situations led to countless acts of exploitation of children in conflict and industry, often involving using them as cheap labor. Where did children fit into all this? Something had to change to give vulnerable children fundamental rights to exist and rebuild a fragile world of their own. Through this timeline, we can discover the origins of Children’s Day and the beginnings of a new world, ultimately a safer environment for children everywhere.


Eglantyne Jebb

The Declaration of the Rights of Children

Eglantyne Jebb was a social reformer living in Geneva. After the dust had settled from the First World War, poverty and starvation were killing thousands of children, and the blockade, set up by the British, was stopping aid from getting to those who needed it. Eglantyne, seeing the desperate suffering of the German and Austrian children, set up the Save the Children Fund, launched in London. The organization quickly raised enough money to dispatch relief workers to affected areas in Europe. Building on the success of Save the Children’s relief effort, she shifted her focus toward children’s rights. In 1923, recognizing the need for a systematic approach, she drafted her first document asserting children's rights. In 1924, the League of Nations recognized her profound work, calling it the Declaration of the Rights of Children, also known as the Declaration of Geneva, and set it in motion.

1939 - 1945

World War II

Exploitation of children in World War ll and the tragic losses

In World War II, the war effort on all sides exploited the availability of children for their war efforts. At the time, there was no clear definition of a child. Children who lied about their age could join the armed forces or work in a factory without anyone facing legal consequences. With no protection, exploitation and brutal violations were, unfortunately, a common occurrence. The Hitler Youth program was a clear violation of today’s children’s rights, taking mainly young boys out of school, some as young as 10 years old, to start a military training program. They would be taught Nazi ideology and move on to weapons training. A more tragic aspect of this period was the Holocaust, during which countless children, along with their parents, were victims in an attempt to exterminate the Jewish population.


United Nations agreement

Membered states of the general assembly rise to make a stand for the welfare of children everywhere

With the end of World War II, the United Nations came into existence. This meant many international laws had to be reviewed, including The Declaration of the Rights of Children, which was redrafted. Each of the 10 principles outlined in the draft was now enforced by international law. To make a global impact, The Declaration of the Rights of Children would need to be accepted worldwide. Therefore, all member states of the General Assembly unanimously agreed to dedicate one day of the year as Children’s Day, a day to promote, celebrate, and heighten awareness of the welfare of children around the globe.


Choosing the date for Children’s Day

Not all countries adopted the same day for Children’s Day

On November 20th, 1959, the United Nations set in motion The Declaration of the Rights of Children. Each member state would then agree to dedicate a day of the year to highlight its importance. The UN initially proposed that each country choose its own date, suggesting November 20th as a starting point. However, June 1st was adopted by most communist and post-communist countries, and countries like the UK opted for May so kids could have outdoor celebrations.