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Pride Month and Day: love conquers all

Happy Pride Month and Day to you! Are you ready to dive into the history and traditions of this festivity? Before discovering more about the milestones related to the most important event for the LGBTQ+ community, when is pride month? It occurs in June and it continues for a whole month, weekend, or week, depending on the area. Did you know that Pr... Show more

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Have a Pride Day and Month full of life using colorful resources


Pride Day and Month symbolism: pride flags, gender symbols, hearts, and encouraging quotations

Pride Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(205, 2, 65)
  • RGB rgb(205, 2, 65)
  • CMYK rgb(205, 2, 65)
  • HSL rgb(205, 2, 65)
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With the passion and strength of Spanish Carmine

Few colors denote as much passion as red does, and few reds are as vibrant as Spanish Carmine. Shades of red convey love, joy, and warmth of hearts. We use red when we want to communicate strong emotions, but on Pride Day, red symbolizes life. The colors of the Pride flag were carefully chosen with the final result we know today in mind, which is the rainbow flag. Red is one of the colors that stand out the most on Pride Day. Not only is it eye-catching, but it also represents the love and life of a community that has fought and continues to fight to live free.

  • HEX rgb(249, 144, 1)
  • RGB rgb(249, 144, 1)
  • CMYK rgb(249, 144, 1)
  • HSL rgb(249, 144, 1)
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Feel the energy of the Yellow Orange Color Wheel

Another of the most characteristic colors of Gay Pride Day is the yellow-orange color wheel. This color is made up of two parts yellow and one part red, so it has such an orange tone with a lot of light, but with strength. Color psychology tells us that shades of orange represent happiness and energy. Within the context of the Gay Pride flag, orange represents healing, it wants to convey the concept of health of body and spirit. It is a motivational color, which we relate to sociability, joy, outgoing souls and optimism. It combines perfectly with the rest of the colors of this day. Outside the context of Pride, we can use this color with its complementary, such as Bluetiful.

  • HEX rgb(255, 190, 61)
  • RGB rgb(255, 190, 61)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 190, 61)
  • HSL rgb(255, 190, 61)
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There is nothing with greater vitality than Maximum Yellow Red

Maximum Yellow Red is a color with a lot of vitality, which we use to give much more life to all our designs. This color represents the sun, light and positivity, that’s why we use it in the context of Pride day. Yellow is a very energetic color that will attract the user’s attention when we use it, so we must use it wisely. It is a color that represents abundance and wealth, but above all happiness. Outside of this Gay Pride Day context you can use Maximum Yellow Red with one of its Triad partners such as Sea Green Crayola or Electric Purple, you will not go wrong if you use this combination.

  • HEX rgb(34, 123, 69)
  • RGB rgb(34, 123, 69)
  • CMYK rgb(34, 123, 69)
  • HSL rgb(34, 123, 69)
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Hope is mixed with the intensity of the Dark Spring Green

We love the Dark Spring Green for all that it means inside and outside of Gay Pride Day. Dark Spring Green is a color that comes from the range of green shades, so it reminds us of nature, forests, vegetation. And it is just that sense that they give it in the Pride flag. In addition, if we pay attention to what color psychology tells us, we can say that green is a color that conveys a feeling of hope, open-mindedness and sensitivity. Dark Spring Green has a slightly dark hue, which contrasts with its palette mates, which are very bright colors. This helps to tone down the intensity of the design.

  • HEX rgb(67, 142, 223)
  • RGB rgb(67, 142, 223)
  • CMYK rgb(67, 142, 223)
  • HSL rgb(67, 142, 223)
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Feel the serenity of Trufts Blue

We are down to the last color in our great palette for Gay Pride Day, Tufts Blue. This color belongs to the blue range, so at first it may seem a cold color and remind us of the sea or the ocean. We associate this color with abstract concepts such as wisdom, purity and respect for others. In the Pride flag, the color blue is associated with serenity, and it is a meaning that we can also give it in design. The psychology of color tells us that it is a very spiritual color, which transmits a feeling of relaxation. Many cultures have used the color blue to associate it with the heavens or temperance.


When was Pride Month created? The history of one of the greatest achievements for the LGBTQ+ community

The history of pride is simply fascinating. It all started with a series of riots, known as the Stonewall uprising, at a pub in lower Manhattan in 1969. This moment was so pivotal that it led to an annual commemoration that transformed into the first Pride parades. These first Pride parades took place in multiple cities, like Chicago and San Francisco, in 1970. Another milestone was the creation of the rainbow flag by activist Gilbert Baker. He designed this emblem, drawing inspiration from several sources, including social movements, music, and the Flag of Races. But the LGBTQ+ movement didn’t stop there! In 1999, Bill Clinton issued a proclamation recognizing June as "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month." Discover more facts and delve into the mesmerizing history of love!

June 28th, 1969

The Stonewall Riots

One of the first steps to promote rights for the LGBTQ+ community

The 60s were a flourishing period for diversity, but not for all the communities. The American LGBTQ+ circle was struggling at the time. Although they gained some rights, like drinking at pubs and bars, constant police raids created an unwelcoming environment for bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and transgender individuals. One of the most well-known raids took place on June 28th, 1969, known as the Stonewall riots or Stonewall uprising, as it occurred at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village (Lower Manhattan, New York). It quickly turned into a protest, and the police lost control. Activists and residents gathered not only that night but also the following ones to fight for their rights, no matter their sexual orientation.

June 28th, 1970

The first official Pride Parade

The commemoration of the Stonewall riots

Chicago Gay Liberation held a march to commemorate the Stonewall riots a year after the event, in June 1970. It was organized by activists such as Brenda Howard. They went from the Civic Center Plaza to Washington Square, an action that was also replicated in other parts of the country. In San Francisco, protestors marched and held a “gay-in” picnic. The participants repeated slogans like “gay is okay” to attract the attention of other citizens and raise awareness. These demonstrations included speeches and many other social gatherings. This first Pride Parade laid the foundations for future LGBTQ+ movements.


The creation of the rainbow flag

The most widespread LGBTQ+ symbol in the World

The famous rainbow flag was created in 1978 as a powerful tool to raise awareness and to make the members of the community feel that they were part of a great social movement. The designing process of the rainbow flag was one of the milestones in the history of Pride. Gilbert Baker, an activist, devised it, drawing inspiration from the Hippie movement, the Flag of Races, and the Rolling Stones song “She’s a Rainbow.” This very first version of the flag featured eight colors, and each had its own meaning: hot pink, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo, and violet.


Bill Clinton and Pride Month

The official recognition of Pride Month in the US

Bill Clinton played a very influential role in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Decades after the Stonewall Riots, President Bill Clinton signed Proclamation 7203 in 1999. He established Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in June as a way of highlighting the importance of the 1969 riots and the 1970 parade, both of which took place in June. Proclamation 7203 emphasizes the importance of respecting every single person, the need for eradicating hate crimes, and the prohibition of sexual harassment. This proclamation was also backed by an executive order from 1998 that banned discrimination in the Federal civilian workforce.


Pride Month and Day as a global celebration: how is Pride Month celebrated around the world?

Pride is becoming a global celebration, so you'll find parades and parties happening in many countries. Each place gives its own queer touch to this colorful date, but it's always based on equal rights and respect. Learn more about Pride Day and get an answer to questions like: Where is the biggest Pride celebration? Do they set off fireworks in NYC at Pride parades?

United States

Pride celebrations in the United States are vibrant and inclusive, with events held in cities like Los Angeles, New York City, Washington DC, and San Francisco. The Stonewall Riots, which occurred in the United States, led to major LGBTQ+ events around the country. In Los Angeles, Pride Day is celebrated with a huge parade, music events, and even some circus nights. The LGBTQ+ Pride March in New York City is one of the well-known events in the LGBTQ+ community, and it also set off some fireworks! There are other events during NYC pride such as Fantasy Days, Pride Island, Youth Pride, and many conferences. Washington, DC, also offers several entertaining activities! Have fun at the Capital Pride Rooftop Pool Party, attend the Official Opening Party, participate in the parade, or pay homage to important activists at the Capital Pride Honor. Are you going to miss it? San Francisco Pride is another major event in the United States. It's well-known for its parade and festival, which take place during the last full weekend of June. The parade gathers different contingents. Among the most famous ones, you’ll find Dykes on Bikes, leather and BDSM groups, LGBT-affirming religious groups, and Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG).


Tel Aviv Pride celebrates Gay Pride Month in Israel. There wasn’t a Tel Avid Pride parade until 1993 because homosexuality was banned in Israel until 1988. Still, some protests against discrimination took place in 1979, which can be seen as the first Pride event in Tel Aviv. Over the years, the queer community has gained many rights, and today, it’s considered one of the most gay-friendly places in the World. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate Pride in Tel Aviv. Apart from the parade, you can attend and enjoy the afterparty, concerts, and even find water parks hosting LGBTQ+ parties! Check out celebrations like “It’s Britney” or “Tel a Beef,” you’ll be completely delighted. If you are interested in drag queen performances, then Wigstock is your cup of tea. There will be drag queens, glitter, DJs, and tons of colors.


São Paulo LGBTQ+ Pride Parade (Parada do Orgulho LGBTQ+ de São Paulo) is widely recognized as the biggest pride parade in the world, attracting three to five million attendees annually. But why is Pride Month and Day so eagerly anticipated in Brazil? The most important activity during São Paulo LGBTQ+ Pride is the mesmerizing parade. You’ll enjoy the great trio electricos (floats) adorned with rainbow flags and many other decorations. The parade takes place on the Sunday after Corpus Christi, in June. Over five days, many other activities are offered to the general public, with many events occurring in the three weeks leading up to the parade! There are street markets, plays, concerts, cultural events, dance performances, and food trucks, for example. Get your rainbow flag and glitter ready!


Madrid Pride, known as Orgullo Gay de Madrid or MADO, is the biggest pride parade in Europe and takes place during the first weekend after June 28th. Rightly, it is organized in Chueca, an area in central Madrid known as the gay neighborhood. How do the Spanish celebrate this day? Flags and floats decorate the skies with the bright colors of the rainbow. Of course, the parade is not the only event you can enjoy. If you like culture, there are three related festivals you should definitely check out: MUESTRA·T, La Culta, and La Oculta. MUESTRA·T is a mix of theatrical arts, literature, fine arts, and film screenings. La Culta is a social art festival that helps put the LGBT movement in context, emphasizing the feelings of the queer community through art. La Oculta merges culture and history with activism and advocacy.


Berlin hosts one of the largest Pride events in Europe, also known as Christopher Street Day, in honor of the Stonewall Riots that occurred at Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street. Rather than celebrating pride for only one day, Berlin Pride spans an entire month, starting at the end of May. During this month, you can enjoy events such as Gay Night at the Zoo or Kreuzberg Pride. Just a week before the parade, Lesbisch-Schwules Stadtfest or Motzfest offers a lot of activities for LGBTQ+ individuals at local pubs. Would you prefer to attend a Gay beach party instead of going to pubs? No problem, you can do that in Berlin, too! Dance, sing, eat, and escape the heat at a beach by the river Spree. It’s a fabulous experience.


Amsterdam Gay Pride and Pink Saturday celebrate Pride Day in the Netherlands. The Netherlands demonstrates a very tolerant and accepting attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community, so it’s no surprise that Amsterdam Pride is eagerly anticipated every year. The festival lasts about a week and features events like parties, workshops, exhibitions, sports, Pride walks, open-air cinema, swimming events, and many more. Unlike other places, Amsterdam Pride is celebrated during the first weekend of August. One of the most spectacular events during Pride Amsterdam is the Canal Parade on the first Saturday of that month, where numerous boats are adorned with colorful balloons and rainbow flags. Along with Amsterdam Gay Pride, people also celebrate Pink Saturday, or Roze Zaterdag, which is dedicated to advocating for equal rights.


Pride Month in Sydney, Australia is celebrated with the Sydney Pride Festival. The first Australian Pride celebration (Mardi Gras for them) was a huge protest, and it was held on June 24th, 1978, just a few years after the Stonewall Riots. Its aim was to end discrimination and repeal existing anti-homosexual laws. The following year, this Mardi Gras parade took place again, and the rest is history! It continued as a tradition, and in 1988, this march was renamed the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. This parade has continued to attract more and more people every single year. Nowadays, it’s a vibrant celebration attended by thousands of people. There are different shows, drag queen performances, parties, art prizes, workshops, and even film festivals. Likewise, you can also listen to live music, listen to some talks on bullying prevention, have some drinks at different pubs, or listen to radio specials. Doesn’t that sound tempting to you?

United Kingdom

Pride in London, promoting equality for more than 50 years. Pride in London is a huge event where thousands of people gather to celebrate freedom, love, and life. Parties and events take place everywhere: whether you're at Hyde Park Corner, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, or Soho, you’ll find plenty of entertainment there. You can also celebrate Pride Day at gay-friendly pubs, clubs, and bars. There are dance and art performances, cinema activities, plays, parades, and even big floats. With over 50 years of celebration, it has become a well-established tradition. Pride in London encourages progress, mutual understanding, and protection against hate crimes. Another of its aims is to create a national AIDS memorial to pay homage to those who have been affected by HIV or AIDS. Isn’t it a great initiative?