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Diwali 2024, the triumph of light and kindness

1 month and 11 days left for Diwali. Decorate and light up with your diyas!

Diwali is about light, knowledge, and celebrating the good in life. In 2023, Diwali takes place on November 12th. So what is Diwali? Today, you’ll gain insight into the roots of this ancient festival, find out who celebrates Diwali, and gain further understanding of the symbols and communication that often tie in with the ceremony. Read on and ga... Show more

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Diwali designs filled with explosive color and meticulous illustrations


Diwali symbols and their meanings: delving into the heart of its rituals

Diwali Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(75, 0, 100)
  • RGB rgb(75, 0, 100)
  • CMYK rgb(75, 0, 100)
  • HSL rgb(75, 0, 100)
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Indigo, the rich violet blue dye that comes from India

Indigo is a rich violet blue shade. This color was named after the indigo dye, which is an organic compound extracted from the plant Indigofera tinctoria, also known as true indigo. It’s used to dye cotton, silk, wool, food, and even hair. Historically, indigo has always been a widely used dye. Countries like China, India, Japan, and other Southeast Asian areas have employed it for centuries, ultimately taking part in the colors of Diwali. It was even found in archaeological items from Egypt and Mesopotamia. According to color psychology, indigo represents knowledge, integrity, kindness, and intuition. It’s also great if you want to get inspired.

  • HEX rgb(124, 3, 140)
  • RGB rgb(124, 3, 140)
  • CMYK rgb(124, 3, 140)
  • HSL rgb(124, 3, 140)
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Patriarch and other hues or purple, the colors of nobility

This color is called patriarch. This purple shade is lighter than the well-known Tyrian purple. To answer the question what does purple represent, we must look to royalty and nobility. The extraction process of purple was difficult and expensive: it comes from a mollusk from Tyre, a type of snail. Many of these mollusks (around 120) were required for making just one gram of purple dye, that is why it was so expensive and only kings and emperors could afford it. Did you know that Alexander the Great wore this type of purple? Apart from representing power and luxury, it is also connected to wisdom, creativity, and spirituality. Because it is rarely found in nature, it's also perceived as a mysterious tone.

  • HEX rgb(202, 65, 180)
  • RGB rgb(202, 65, 180)
  • CMYK rgb(202, 65, 180)
  • HSL rgb(202, 65, 180)
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Exploring fuchsia Crayola and its beautiful meaning

Fuchsia Crayola is a deep fuchsia, a shade of magenta. It’s a soft hue, very similar to the color of the Crayola color pencil. The synthetic dye of fuchsia was discovered in the 19th century, more precisely in 1895, by a man called François-Emmanuel Veguin. This light hue of magenta has to do with emotional balance and harmony. If you want to convey positive feelings like appreciation, cheerfulness, or contentment, this is your color. This shade also has the power of uplifting you; it helps twitch your confidence and self assurance as well. Fuchsia Crayola will add a sense of renewal and energy to your colorful designs.

  • HEX rgb(252, 159, 43)
  • RGB rgb(252, 159, 43)
  • CMYK rgb(252, 159, 43)
  • HSL rgb(252, 159, 43)
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Orange peel, the softness and power of a beautiful hue

Orange peel is a lovely light shade of orange. As it is a softer hue rather than a bright orange, it is the perfect color to make people comfortable. It’s also a shade for conveying prudency and for inspiring good manners. This color can stimulate the appetite, your energy level and it can even stimulate the thyroid to boost your metabolism. Isn’t it incredible? Orange peel is extroversion and enjoying life too, although it has its own spiritual meaning. This hue is connected with the sacral chakra, which is said to play an important role in creativity and fertility. Feel the warmth and optimism thanks to the color orange peel!

  • HEX rgb(248, 95, 24)
  • RGB rgb(248, 95, 24)
  • CMYK rgb(248, 95, 24)
  • HSL rgb(248, 95, 24)
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Orange Pantone, the bright color of gerbera daisies

Orange Pantone is a reddish orange that is very similar to the red that gerbera daisies show. Both the color and gerbera daisies represent the beauty of simple things and happiness. They are related to the power of love and friendship too. Celts believed that this flower can end one’s sorrow, something that can also be applied to the color due to its power and energy. For ancient Egyptians, gerbera daisies and their shade represented the strength of the Sun. This playful tint also symbolizes health, energy, engagement, and vitality. Express the power of light over darkness with strokes of orange pantone in your designs.


The history of Diwali: Nagananda, Domingo Paes and Guru Hargobind

The history of Diwali is beautiful. People celebrated Deepavali many centuries ago, and it continues to be one of the most important celebrations in the world. To answer ‘Why is Diwali celebrated?’, we must refer to the creation of Diwali origins: Deepavali, the ancient tradition, the creation of a Sanskrit play entitled “Nagananda,” the discoveries of a Portuguese traveler known as Domingo Paes and the release of Guru Hargobind. There are more significant details about the festival of lights that you need to know, for example: when is Diwali celebrated? It really depends on the Hindu lunar calendar and the first new moon between the months of Asvina and Kartika. In 2022, Diwali began on October 24. Read more about the history and traditions of Diwali and let light win.

527 B.C.


The ancient roots of Diwali

Diwali is a very ancient festival. Its colors and lights embellish the different parts of India with lights and unique decorations. Although there are different sources to trace it back, many of the early writings about it are lost now. The earliest trace of this celebration is, supposedly, observed in the Jain tradition. Mahavira, an important spiritual teacher, was about to pass away and to reach his final nirvana in 527 B.C. During this process, 18 kings reunited to listen to Mahavira’s final teachings, and they decided to honor this Tirthankara (or supreme preacher) by lighting lamps every year. This process was known as Deepavali in early texts.

7th century A.D.

Dīpapratipadotsava, the 7th-century version of Diwali

The depiction of diwali in literary works

Deepavali or Diwali has been an important part of the Indian culture and arts for centuries. That is the case of a famous play by the Indian emperor Harsha: Nagananda. He refers to diwali as Dīpapratipadotsava in this play, which means something like “the light during the first day of the festival”. This text describes Dīpapratipadotsava as a festivity when newlyweds receive gifts. This marvelous celebration has also been detailed by other authors too. Al Biruni, a 11th-century traveler from Persia, wrote about it. Niccolò de’ Conti, a Venetian merchant from the 15th century, also described Diwali as a festival filled with oil lamps, special clothing, music, dance, and feasts.

16th century A.D.

Domingo fo Paes, the 16th century traveler

The chronicle of the king of Vijjayanagar

India has always been an exotic destination for travelers, even more some centuries ago, when the internet didn’t exist. Some of these voyagers have recorded what they saw during Diwali in their diaries and memoirs, as in the case of the Portuguese Domingo Paes or Pais, depending on the source. He visited the Vijayanagara Empire, the southern part of the Deccan Plateau, during the 16th century. People were celebrating Diwali at the time he got there. He wrote about the traditional oil lamps, diyas, and more aspects about it in his book Chronica dos reis de Bisnaga, “Chronicle of the king of Vijayanagar”.

17th century A.D.

Guru Hargobind and Diwali

The role of the sixth guru of the Sikhs

Sikhism is one of the major organized faiths and it emerged in India around the 15th century. Sikhs also celebrate Diwali, but for them this tradition has a different origin. Guru Hargobind, the sixth of the ten Sikh Gurus, spent 12 years in the Gwalior Fort prison. Hargobind was imprisoned by Jahangir, the Mughal emperor. Guru Hargobind strengthened the military power of his community and he was a very important martial artist at the time as well. The release of Hargobind, together with the founding of Amritsar and Bhai Mani Singh’s martyrdom were the three major events that confirmed Diwali for the Sikhs.


How do people celebrate Diwali in different countries?

Diwali is a key festivity for many countries and cultures. Hindus celebrate it, but sometimes Buddhists and Jainists join the party too. The most important thing to honor is the victory of light and truth over darkness. These five days are full of color, diyas, rangolis, gift exchanges, and food. Learn more about the thrilling Diwali traditions and how many countries celebrate Diwali around the world in this section.


Why is Diwali celebrated in India? In the northern part of India, Diwali commemorates the triumph of Prince Rama after his exile, and in the southern part of the country this festival has to do with the victory of Lord Krishna over the find King Narakasura. Diwali also represents the victory of good over evil, so Diwali means a lot, spiritually speaking, for the inhabitants of India. How do people celebrate Diwali in India? Indians cook, clean their houses, share food with their family and friends, decorate with diyas and create beautiful rangolis, intricate patterns made of flowers, colored powder, sand, or rice during the five days of Diwali. They also exchange gifts and, of course, firecrackers and fireworks are part of this celebration too. And if you love fireworks, you need to go to New Delhi. They have an incredible show!


Tihar, celebrating Diwali in Nepal. Diwali is known as Tihar in Nepal, and it’s the second most influential festivity in the country. Like in any other place, Tihar has to do with diyas, light, and color. Gods like Govardham Mountain, Shri Laxmi, or Lord Yama are pivotal during this celebration, but animals too. Cows are worshiped during those five days: Nepalese Hindus put a tika on their heads and place marigold garlands around the neck of the animals. They also adore other animals such as dogs and oxen. A month before Diwali or Tihar, people clean their homes to welcome these sacred days. It’s a symbolic way of getting rid of all the dark, impure, or broken things in their lives before Tihar starts. A peculiarity of Tihar in Nepal is that both Hindus and Buddhist celebrate this festivity. Tihar encourages the coexistence of different cultures as a way of embracing different religions and people.


Celebrating Diwali in Singapore means visiting Little India. There, the Indian Heritage Center organizes Diwali activities such as trishaw rides. There are also some workshops if you are looking forward to decorating your own diyas with many colors and patterns. Do you prefer visiting some temples? The Sri Veeramakaliamman temple is simply outstanding during Diwali. Actually, praying there is a great thing to do there to celebrate Diwali. Alternatively, you can have tasty Indian food at curry houses and other Indian restaurants too. Performing arts also take the streets: there is an annual street performance that tells the history of Diwali: learn the little details of the festival of lights with a little touch of color and drama.

Trinidad and Tobago

The Hindu community in Trinidad and Tobago and Diwali. Diwali is a very important celebration in Trinidad and Tobago. Have you ever wondered why? There is a large Hindu community in this country, as there are many East-Indian inhabitants there. It doesn’t really matter if you are Hindu or not: every single person is invited to take part in the festivity. As in many other parts of the globe, they adorn their houses and cities with diyas. These oil lamps have elaborate designs, colorful patterns, and different shapes to embellish their homes. Prime Minister Keith Rowley was the first politician that highlighted the importance of Diwali for the communities of the country. Dr Rowley sees Diwali as an opportunity to keep peace, to forgive, and to be non-judgemental to other people, religions, and cultures. Diwali in Trinidad and Tobago is a true example of a multicultural gathering.