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Thanksgiving 2024 and the Harvest Festival

2 months and 7 days days until Thanksgiving!

Turkeys, harvest, and a big thanks to God come to mind when thinking of Thanksgiving. It is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year for some, but how and what is Thanksgiving is the real question. You are about to embark on a journey to find out its origins and how other nations outside of America rejoice in their Happy Thanksgiving celebr... Show more

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Thanksgiving designs for your themed projects


Thanksgiving symbols and their ability to communicate

Thanksgiving Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(65, 6, 1)
  • RGB rgb(65, 6, 1)
  • CMYK rgb(65, 6, 1)
  • HSL rgb(65, 6, 1)
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Maroon, the bold way or the highway

America loves bold defining colors such as Maroon! This strong, dark red hue will play its part in motivating your Thanksgiving design projects, providing stability to the elements it supports. The psychology behind Maroon plays its part as it signifies control, responsibility, and thoughtfulness, a fitting description that will support the message of Thanksgiving. Its bold flavor will do well to cut through any background noise, adding definition to featuring elements such as typography, vector design, or character drawings. Bring your Thanksgiving colors to life using this defining color choice!

  • HEX rgb(103, 33, 0)
  • RGB rgb(103, 33, 0)
  • CMYK rgb(103, 33, 0)
  • HSL rgb(103, 33, 0)
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Seal brown, bringing things down to earth

This down-to-earth color will keep you grounded with a heightened sense of awareness and security. We never forget our closeness to nature, especially when cultivating wheat and corn ready for harvest. It’s this kind of atmosphere we intend to recreate when creating purposeful and visual content for Thanksgiving. Its strong and sturdy tone will help encourage you to go bolder instead of playing it lightly, catching the attention of your audience. The color will strengthen your fun cartoon-style characters, add depth to your typography, and bridge the gap between man and nature.

  • HEX rgb(230, 98, 1)
  • RGB rgb(230, 98, 1)
  • CMYK rgb(230, 98, 1)
  • HSL rgb(230, 98, 1)
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Spanish Orange, full of energetic goodness

Spanish Orange, filled with juicy goodness, is a fitting color for our Thanksgiving color palette. Its rich, sweet flavor will be sure to attract pilgrims from far and wide to gaze at its beauty, symbolizing wealth, happiness, and energy. Perhaps its kinetic vibe will bring the party atmosphere to the forefront of a Thanksgiving event. The Orange’s darker tone has an almost golden glow which would most definitely bring attention to your playful designs. You could try experimenting with filling fonts in this hue, adding great value to your words! Spanish Orange is the rich feature of your color palette.

  • HEX rgb(255, 126, 0)
  • RGB rgb(255, 126, 0)
  • CMYK rgb(255, 126, 0)
  • HSL rgb(255, 126, 0)
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Amber, a rich mineral glow

This vibrant orange hue will most certainly infuse bountiful energy into your Thanksgiving creative projects. Complimenting the rest of the color pallet but perhaps taking the lead role with its dominant appearance. Amber, of course, comes from the rock mineral to which the color relates. Halfway between yellow and orange on the color wheel, it stands in as a warm color that gives off a vibrant glow. And like the bees’ attraction to flowers, this hue will have a similar effect on a hungry, enthusiastic audience. You can really have fun pushing this color’s performance, especially in an engaging, family-friendly environment.

  • HEX rgb(151, 131, 0)
  • RGB rgb(151, 131, 0)
  • CMYK rgb(151, 131, 0)
  • HSL rgb(151, 131, 0)
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Olive, the fruity hue of hope and reason

A phosphorescent light green such as Olive will put a positive spin on your Thanksgiving designs for sure. The name comes from the popular Mediterranean fruit and has deep meaning in Greek mythology as a symbol of peace and friendship. With its close resemblance to nature and its neutral tone, it follows the key principles of Feng Shui, asserting balance and harmony in its environment. Very down to earth. Furthermore, it’s a color that resembles reality, hope, and reason with a pinch of logic. This fascinating hue will compliment your palette, providing you with many reasons to use it in your Thanksgiving design projects.


Origin of Thanksgiving, from pilgrims to the feist itself

Thanksgiving day has never been so interesting. Here we learn about the history of Thanksgiving and find out why Thanksgiving is celebrated, with the claims of different origins, backed by incredible stories of bravery and the outright kindness of strangers. These stories have led to a series of events that will forever be interpreted across the American dinner table on the fourth Thursday of every November for generations to come. It is a day that brings all Americans together with a big focus on the relationship between the indigenous people of America and the first Pilgrims that landed on new soil. Perhaps the story holds more value than gratitude for a successful harvest. Let's find out!


The claim of the Spanish

Juan de Oñate’s expedition

Twenty years before the famous feast in Plymouth, Mexico was under Spanish rule in the 1500s. A wealthy, Mexican-born Spaniard, by the name of Juan de Oñate took it upon himself to lead an expedition into what is now Texas. It took years of persuasion, but in 1595, King Philip ll finally gave in, providing Oñate the permission he desperately needed to plan for his expedition. In 1598, Oñate and his followers set off through challenging terrain, crossing the Chihuahuan Desert. Running out of supplies and under the blistering sun, many explorers didn’t make it. At this critical time, the Rio Grande appeared ahead of them. They had made it! Reaching an area near today’s El Paso, Oñate felt the need to celebrate. A feast of meat and fish ensued, whereby the local Mansos tribe was invited to join, praying together for an end to the drought and celebrating a successful claim. Whether it is the first Thanksgiving is up for debate. However, it was the first celebration between Europeans and native Indians.


Pilgrim Feast in Plymouth, the New Land

Natives and pilgrims sit down at the table

In the 1600s, British colonials were making claims of the new land in North America. In September 1620, a relatively small vessel named the Mayflower set off from Plymouth, England. Onboard were around 100 souls, many of which were religious separatists looking to practice their faith freely, while others were seeking a new life of prosperity, claiming land of their own. The Pilgrims to whom they would be known took to establishing their own settlement naming it Plymouth. How original! The Pilgrims suffered badly through their first winter, some dying from exposure and disease. As March approached, the pilgrims ventured inland, where they were greeted by a native American of the Abenaki tribe, who surprised the settlers by speaking English. Returning with another English-speaking native named Squanto, a relationship was formed, exchanging methods to cultivate their new land, growing corn, collecting maple sap, and even fishing. Things went so great they even established an alliance with another local tribe called the Wampanoag. The final nail that secured the bromance was the day the corn was harvested. To say thanks, William Bradford organized a harvest feast, and the natives sat down with them to celebrate the harvest, thus dedicating a day, giving thanks to the Lord after reaping the fruits of his labor, the first Thanksgiving.


The first proclamation of Thanksgiving

George Washington announced that Thanksgiving would be on November 26th

In August 1789, Months after becoming president of the United States, George Washington sent a top-secret document to James Madison, asking for guidance on how to present to the house of representatives the idea of a national day of thanksgiving. Towards the end of September 1789, a proposal was put forward to address the house of representatives on the subject of a national Thanksgiving day. And with that, a committee was assembled to present the resolution before the president, George Washington. Within days, the president made his first Thanksgiving proclamation announcing to the people of the United States that Thursday, the 26th of November, the American people will celebrate Thanksgiving as a nation. However, this wasn’t the first time Geroge Washington held big Thanksgiving parties. During his command of the army, he held Thanksgiving feasts among his men, thanking God for victories.


The turkey tug of war!

Roosevelt announces Thanksgiving on November 4th, Thursday

It’s 1939, and America has just suffered ten years of the great depression. The president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, was faced with a damaged economy. Looking for alternative ways to boost the economy, he made a hasty move by moving the date of Thanksgiving a week earlier, setting the date on the 23rd of November. Thanksgiving has always been the starting gun for early Christmas shopping. Roosevelt’s theory was to move Thanksgiving forward a week, thus generating Billions of dollars for the economy. This split the country in half. Democrats marginally favored the swap with 52% voting for, while republicans hated the idea with 79% voting against. With so much confusion as to when Thanksgiving would be, jokes were hitting the headlines, with some people celebrating Thanksgiving and the others celebrating Franksgiving! In 1942, when America joined the Second World War, Franklin D. Roosevelt finally put an end to the provocation, announcing that Thanksgiving will land on the fourth Thursday of November. This has stayed true to this day.


What countries celebrate Thanksgiving?

It might surprise you that other countries around the world also celebrate Thanksgiving. Celebrating a successful harvest has been, and always will be, important to any nation. We all need to eat, right? Let’s dig a little deeper and find out who celebrates Thanksgiving around the world, sowing seeds as we go!


The biggest of all Thanksgiving’s. The travel chaos, the huge feast and a few prayers for the all mighty. Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every November, it is a national holiday and a chance for Americans to travel far and wide to meet up with their families and friends. You can imagine the travel chaos that would ensue, with packed trains, congested highways, and the scramble for air tickets. But it’s all worth it! Thanksgiving for Americans is a time for families to set up the dinner table for the greatest family feast of the year. Preparing the stuffed turkey roast, cranberry sauce, and gravy is no easy task. The cooking can take the best part of a day, and the bigger the family, the bigger the turkey! After all, the national holiday is about giving thanks for the harvest and being grateful in general for everything Americans take for granted. Religion plays a big role in the celebration too. Thanking God for everything he has provided plays a significant role for millions of Americas Christians.


Thanksgiving the Canadian way. Optional turkey roast and a day of sports. Canadians also like to celebrate Thanksgiving. Set on the second Monday of each October, it marks the beginning of Autumn and a celebration of a good harvest. However, these folk tend to celebrate in a lower key. You won't find half the population rushing to the airports here! Canadian Thanksgiving origins are not too dissimilar from their American neighbors. In 1578 an English explorer Martin Frobisher and his crew were expanding territory into the far north of Canada, Nunavut. The perilous journey had them facing unimaginable terrain, scary animals, and blistering weather. Canada’s first Thanksgiving was to feast in the name of God, who granted them safe passage against all odds. Today, Canadians celebrate with an optional holiday. Families who have kept to this tradition take to the kitchen, cooking up a knockout turkey roast for the entire family. It is also a time to enjoy sport, as Canada’s football stars take to the field as the four CFL (Canadian Football League) teams battle it out for the Thanksgiving title.


The Thanksgiving replica. Brazil takes to replicating America's version of Thanksgiving, but it falls on deaf ears. Does Brazil celebrate Thanksgiving? For the few who celebrate Thanksgiving in Brazil, it is a time to focus on the prayers to God, showing gratitude for the year's harvest. It was August 1949 when the Brazilian ambassador returned from a trip to the United States. He was in total awe of the lengths America went to in celebrating Thanksgiving and how it brought God so close to their people that he wanted the same for his. The president of Brazil, Gaspar Dutra, honored the idea of replicating Thanksgiving, establishing a national day for the occasion on the fourth Thursday of November, just like the Americans. Today Brazil doesn't take much notice of Thanksgiving, but the people who do recognize the day, dedicate it to prayer, heading to church to be close to God. The tradition of eating stuffed roast turkey is also practiced. Although, with the lack of cranberries in Brazil, they take to using jaboticaba fruits instead, a Brazilian twist. Brazilians haven't totally forgotten their appreciation for the harvest. They just have a dedicated festival for it called Festa Junina. A harvest festival is celebrated in June.


An ancient tradition. Today’s ancient Thanksgiving party is still in full swing! Celebrated on the first Sunday of October, Erntedankfest is a huge nationwide festival celebrating the year’s successful harvest and giving thanks to God. However, the day is not a public holiday. The date is special as it is immediately after Michaelmas on the 29th of September, the date by which harvest must be completed. Such celebrations across Europe have been ongoing since before Christianity. So to continue with these ancient traditions, the people of Germany get together in a festive spirit. One thing you may notice first is the parades that course their way through the German streets. The bigger the town, the bigger the parade. A harvest queen named the Erntekonigin, wearing the Harvest Crown made of wheat accepts gifts of the harvest. Churches are a big focus for the day, whereby local churchgoers attend a sermon delivered from an altar decorated richly in harvest decorations. The atmosphere hits its peak with folk music, dancing, and fancy traditional attire. All this extravaganza hits a climax with a firework celebration lighting up the early Autumn night sky.


The Shinto Thanksgiving ritual. The reading of the Evening Rites and the thanking to the Shinto Gods. The 23rd of November is a national holiday in Japan, celebrating the year’s harvest. Japan holds an intricate and highly respected Shinto ritual that is one of the most important in all of Japan. The emperor of Japan is to lead the country by performing the Evening Rites of the Niinamesai. Wearing a ceremonial robe made of layers of silk, the emperor proceeds to a sacred temple where the ritual is performed. Lit only by candlelight, the visual representation is of the purest of sights. The emperor expresses gratitude to the Gods for a successful harvest with offerings such as Sake, the national drink made from freshly harvested rice. Although the day has some religious significance, it is a day for everyone, no matter what religion. After the Second World War, the day was rebranded as Labor Thanksgiving day. In light of Japan’s new constitution protecting workers’ rights and human rights in general.