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Hanukkah 2024, the Oil Miracle

3 months and 4 days days to light your Hanukkah Menorah!

Hanukkah, otherwise spelt Hannukah or Chanukah, is one of the prominent events in the Jewish lunisolar calendar, celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev, or the end of November to December, when referring to the Gregorian calendar. The 8-day celebration is of high importance to the Jewish community, marking the day the Maccabees rebelled against their... Show more

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Discover how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah with these resources


Exploring the Symbolism of Hanukkah and Judaism in depth

Hanukkah Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(39, 68, 129)
  • RGB rgb(39, 68, 129)
  • CMYK rgb(39, 68, 129)
  • HSL rgb(39, 68, 129)
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Dark Cornflower Blue, provides the atmosphere

This strong tone of blue comes from the cornflower’s flower. As it sways from side to side in the steady breeze, its hue reflects the atmosphere of tranquility and contemplation it finds itself in. It plays a vital role in the color palette, providing a dark tone in contrast to other more radiant colors. Perhaps a supportive color such as this could bring balance to your composition as a whole, working with elements and creating contrast against lighter tones. Audiences will enjoy the timeless feel this color brings to your creative projects, perhaps motivating positive thoughts. Over all, a complimentary hue to your Hanukkah themes.

  • HEX rgb(27, 140, 220)
  • RGB rgb(27, 140, 220)
  • CMYK rgb(27, 140, 220)
  • HSL rgb(27, 140, 220)
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Summer Sky, elevates creation

This striking blue is ready to cut through the noise to capture your audience’s much-needed attention. Its strong stance will provide feelings of stability, and calmness in any situation, a perfect hue for your Hanukkah creative projects. Its vibrance can work with other colors in the palette to create depth, perhaps giving you a chance to experiment with gradients and patterns. A strong blue like this will have no problem filling out other elements in your designs, supporting vector illustrations, or expressing itself in a proud, bold font. Have fun exploring this eye-catching hue and see where it takes you.

  • HEX rgb(107, 206, 241)
  • RGB rgb(107, 206, 241)
  • CMYK rgb(107, 206, 241)
  • HSL rgb(107, 206, 241)
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Turquoise Blue, the playful choice

The third blue in your color palette, and possibly the most playful of the three. Its subtle turquoise tone provides character and playfulness, perhaps a color choice to add detail to a game of Dreidel. The brighter tones of blue tend to express a safe environment, ideal for use in a child or family-friendly setting. Such a hue can lighten up your creations, providing the positive end of the spectrum, and transmitting feelings of inner happiness. Experiment with this color, taking advantage of its contrasting potential, perhaps even creating gradients with the other blues in the palette.

  • HEX rgb(244, 188, 68)
  • RGB rgb(244, 188, 68)
  • CMYK rgb(244, 188, 68)
  • HSL rgb(244, 188, 68)
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Maximum Yellow Red, the color of energy and prosperity

A strong variant of yellow is a fantastic tribute to your Hanukkah projects. It has a glow that can remind you of the morning sun, providing a comforting feel, which can help to balance out your composition till it’s just right. On the other hand, it’s fun, and kinetic energy can wake up your audience to action and party, getting the garden ready for the big Jewish party! After all, yellow symbolizes prosperity, nutrition and an abundance of energy. Give this hue a try for yourself. You might find yourself having a lot of fun pushing this color to its limits, finding its multiple personalities work in your favor in creating striking Hanukkah design projects.

  • HEX rgb(253, 140, 24)
  • RGB rgb(253, 140, 24)
  • CMYK rgb(253, 140, 24)
  • HSL rgb(253, 140, 24)
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Dark Orange, the rich and the fruitful

Dark Orange, filled with juicy goodness, is a fitting color for our Hanukkah color palette. Its rich, sweet flavor will be sure to attract people from far and wide to gaze at its beauty, symbolizing wealth, happiness, and energy. Perhaps its kinetic vibe will bring the party atmosphere to the forefront of a Hanukkah event. The Orange’s darker tone has an almost golden glow which would most definitely bring attention to your playful designs. You could try experimenting with filling fonts in this hue, adding great value to your words! Dark Orange is the rich feature of your color palette.


Hanukkah history

Hanukkah is a time for the Jewish community to remember a series of events that highlights the determination of a community against all odds. The stories of sacrifice and miracles have become legendary, with the revolt against tyranny, the battles won by an outnumbered revolution army, and the miracle of the Menorah that burned for eight full days, an act of God. Today Jews all around the world stop to remember, lighting a Menorah candle on each of the eight days of the celebration, exchanging gifts, and spending time with each other. So without further ado, let’s step back into history and hear Hanukkah’s story. But do you know who celebrates Hanukkah? Hanukkah is primarily celebrated by the Jewish community around the world.

200 B.C.

Antiochus III

The Jewish people are relieved of Egyptian rule and Antiochus III is welcomed into the city of Jerusalem

The land of Israel found itself caught between the Greek Seleucid ruler Antiochus III, King of Syria, and the Egyptians in a battle over dominance in the region. With the Egyptians beaten and turned away, Antiochus III was welcomed into the city of Jerusalem. It seemed the people of Israel were happy it was him and not the Egyptians, having suffered crippling taxation from them in the past. Antiochus III announced that all Jews were free to practice their religion. He even went as far as dishing out tax exemptions to the elderly, priests, temple scribes, and even singers. He also announced that he would keep up with the maintenance of their temples, all at his own expense!

168 B.C.

Antiochus IV

The massacre of the Jews and forced removal of their religion

In 168 B.C., Antiochus IV took a different path. It was apparent this new ruler wanted what every Seleucid King wanted. The annexation of Egypt. This was never accomplished before, and he was fanatical about the idea. One way to gain support for his conquest would be to unify the regions of which he was in control. This meant religion of course. His main target was the Jews, replacing high priests with puppets preaching Greek theology. This did not go down well with the Jews, and a revolt ensued violence, casting its shadow over Jerusalem. Antiochus responded by outlawing Judaism and butchering thousands of Jewish peasants. Further humiliation was the decimation of the Second Temple, Stripping it of its sacred artifacts, sacrificing pigs at the altar, and replacing it with an altar of Zeus. The god which he believed was manifest in his own body. To this day, he is remembered as The Madman.

166 B.C.

The rise of the Maccabees

Enough is enough! The jews are led against the tyrannical Madman

One day, Antiochus IV sent out some of his men to carry out acts of tyranny, fulfilling the eradication of Jewish religious practice. The enforcement officers approached a priest named Mattathias, ordering him to sacrifice a pig on the altar of a Greek God. The priest rejected the order. Another jew volunteered to carry out the shameful task in his place, and it was at this moment Mattathias proceeded to murder the officer. A leader was born. Mattathias and his five sons, later known as the Maccabees, which translates to The Hammer, would then lead a rebellion, tearing down statues of the Greek Gods and killing anybody who worshiped Greek theology. The Maccabees raised a revolutionary army, specializing in guerilla tactics to confront Antiochus the Madman.

164 B.C.

The eradication of Greek influence

With a string of successful victories the Greeks are beaten off, and the symbolic lighting of the Menorah takes place

After a long war against the Seleucid empire, the Maccabees’ army successfully drove out the armies of Antiochus IV. The final showdown at the gates of Jerusalem wasn’t much of a fight. Antiochus’s men seemed to have lacked hope after several humiliating defeats and were driven out of the city. With the Greeks’ influence eradicated, they hurried back to the Second Temple in Jerusalem to assess the damage, symbolically lighting the temple’s Menorah using leftover oil from the carnage. The candles were to only last one day. However, they lasted for eight full days! This was perceived as a miracle. Soon after Antiochus IV died, his successor, Antiochus V, agreed with the Jews to recognize their independence. The last surviving son of the Maccabees, Simon, took it upon himself to ensure the legitimacy of what was now a Jewish nation led by Jewish people. The Jews enjoyed 80 fruitful years of self-rule.