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New Year’s Day 2025, a worldwide celebration

3 months and 11 days till New Year's: get ready for the biggest party!

Embrace a fresh beginning and a prosperous future! New Year is celebrated right across the globe, attracting billions of people to the dazzling displays of fireworks, superstitious beliefs, and outlandish rituals. Read on to find out interesting facts such as when is New Year's Day 2025, how it's celebrated, and where did it all start? Show more

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New Year designs to build the momentum for the big celebration


New Year symbols and their meanings to excite your themes!

New Year’s Day Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(57, 57, 57)
  • RGB rgb(57, 57, 57)
  • CMYK rgb(57, 57, 57)
  • HSL rgb(57, 57, 57)
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Jet Gray, a shade like no other

Jet gray belongs to the color family, dark pastel blue sky. Considered a safe, and strong alternative to black that will elevate your New Year’s colors palette. Its supportive role delivers versatility, further providing strong foundations for other design elements giving you options for contrast. In addition, it is a common color used in typography, using smooth dark tones for a classy and elegant definition. Your New Year themed social media posts, invitations and backgrounds will benefit immensely with jet grays touch, making for a robust finish, fit for any luxurious event. This classy gray will most certainly jet you away.

  • HEX rgb(172, 172, 172)
  • RGB rgb(172, 172, 172)
  • CMYK rgb(172, 172, 172)
  • HSL rgb(172, 172, 172)
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Silver Chalice, the color of elegance and virtue

Like gold and other metals, Silver Chalice gives off a sheen destined for a luxurious purpose. Silver has, for centuries, been the finish of choice for exquisite internal decoration, and the color should be respected as such. Use of this color can range from the development of elements, color fills, and borders that could find purpose in a New Year’s event invitation or typography project. On a more slender tone, it’s a gray that provides medium brightness that can help support other elements on the page when black may be too strong. Silver Chalice can really add value to your New Year’s Day themes, making your projects fit for purpose.

  • HEX rgb(53, 78, 120)
  • RGB rgb(53, 78, 120)
  • CMYK rgb(53, 78, 120)
  • HSL rgb(53, 78, 120)
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Y In Mn or Blue, the color of strength and prosperity

Created by accident by professor Mas Subramanian of the Oregon State University. Known for its highly permanent pigment, it’s a show of strength and versatility. Furthermore, it has a close relationship with wealth and finance, which bears much symbolic meaning when on the subject of New Years and the ceremonious ties this has with prosperity. This fascinating color will add value to your New Year’s projects, giving a vivid definition that will elevate the look of your designs, and appease your audiences. Let’s see how this strong blue can bring vitality to your New Year’s Day creative projects.

  • HEX rgb(160, 22, 22)
  • RGB rgb(160, 22, 22)
  • CMYK rgb(160, 22, 22)
  • HSL rgb(160, 22, 22)
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Ruby Red, the color of passion and desire

As stated in the name Ruby Red comes from the fresh cut of a ruby, and the nature of this stone symbolizes passion, protection, and wealth. For centuries rubies have been worn on royal garments and ancient warriors’ armor to help protect them in battle. Its bondage with red shares a more symbolic meaning that speaks to the modern audience too. Desire, leadership, and willpower can be strong attributes linked to this vibrant hue. Such character can bring purpose to your New Year’s Day creative projects, standing out from the rest of your color palette and catching the attention of your audience. Why not give Ruby Red a go and see where your project leads you?

  • HEX rgb(225, 212, 62)
  • RGB rgb(225, 212, 62)
  • CMYK rgb(225, 212, 62)
  • HSL rgb(225, 212, 62)
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Citrine Yellow, the color of luxury

When representing wealth and self-confidence, Citrine is the last stop! This color resembling quarts or gold is a statement, a luxury, providing us with empowerment and satisfaction, making for a fantastic element in your extravagant New Year’s Day design projects! When used respectively, it can deliver exquisite results, adding intricate detail to invitations and banner designs. Furthermore, you can utilize such a color for your typography or calligraphy, resulting in an elegant display of detail, with the color to match. Citrine yellow can certainly add value to your projects, including your New Year themes that are in need of royal touch.

New Year’s Day Fonts


The origin of New Year’s Day

Perhaps the most widespread celebration on the planet, with hundreds of countries taking part. In this timeline, we can learn and appreciate the significance of this momentous occasion. Looking at New Year's origin as far back as 2000 B.C., we can ask ourselves who started New Year’s Day, and where did the New Year's traditions come from? Learning the history of New Year’s Day will only help you in appreciating it even more, discovering interesting facts about just how the solar-based Gregorian calendar was invented, splitting off from its lunar origins, which are still celebrated in the Chinese New Year.

2000 B.C.

The first New Year’s Day

Victory over chaos and the slapping of the King

New Year’s Day origins date back as far as 2000 B.C. when the Babylonians of Mesopotamia would come together to celebrate Atiku, the rebirth of the natural world in light of the new moon that followed the vernal equinox. This spectacular occasion would bring everyone together to parade statues of their gods through the streets, reenacting the victory over chaos. A fascinating spin involved the Babylonian King standing before his people in front of the statue of Marduk. His people would look on as he proclaimed his honor to his flock, for a priest to then clip him by his ears, dragging him through the streets until he sheds royal tears. Amongst all the chaos, if the king cried, it meant the gods were happy with him! This March celebration lasted days, focussing on the arrival of spring, a very different schedule to our modern-day solar agenda!

46 B.C.

Julius Caesar and his Gregorian calendar

Romance in a Africa with a cosmic twist

In 46 B.C., we saw the first-ever January 1st New Year’s Day! This came to fruition with the direction of Roman dictator Julius Caesar, under the guidance of a helpful astronomer named Sosigenes of Alexandria. It all came about after Julius Caesar had a lengthy visit to Egypt. In addition to falling in love with Cleopatra, he noticed just how impressive the Egyptians’ knowledge of the sun and stars and with that, their solar-based calendar. This had stumped Julius Caesar. So, on his return to Rome, he set out to make some home improvements, thus leading his people into the 365-day solar calendar we are familiar with today. The accuracy meant improvements in agriculture, and with a more accurate dating system, politicians did not have the power to change dates to suit political gains.

500-1500 A.D.

The Middle Ages

Christianity is seen as a more important cause for celebration outshining New Year’s Day

500 A.D., Christian leaders in Europe set out to temporarily replace the New Year’s date from January 1st with other more important dates in relation to the Christian religion. Dates that were more significant, such as March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation, which celebrates the day angel Gabriel visited the Virgin Mary, telling her she would be the mother of Jesus Christ, son of God and the savior of humankind. Another date that, nine months later, brought about huge significance was the birth of Jesus Christ. To put it bluntly, no other events in the year’s calendar were as important!


Pope Gregory XIII re-established January 1 as New Year’s

Re-establishing the calendar to a modern standard

Noticing the faults of the old Roman calendar, Pope Gregory refines and re-establishes the calendar to a modern standard. The year is 1582, and Pope Gregory XIII, along with his helpful Italian Scientist Aloysius Lilius realized that the old roman calendar was slightly out of sync by 11 minutes per year. This meant Easter was slowly but surely falling behind with each passing year. So, in October of that year, the announcement was made to regain the days lost by the old roman calendar, changing October 5th to the 15th. Thus bringing about our current calendar cycle called the Gregorian calendar and the re-established New Year date of January 1st. This caused outrage for some. Imagine your landlord knocking on your door requesting an extra week’s rent! Today, the Gregorian calendar is used by the majority of counties worldwide.


New Year’s around the world

Who celebrates New Year around the world? It comes as no surprise that cultures will celebrate in different ways. As we observe from our television sets, we can learn to appreciate these fanatic celebrations in a flurry of diversity from New York to Hong Kong!

United States

New Year’s day in America is a big celebration, bringing family and friends together for a feast to remember! Black-eyed peas, pork, and cabbage are traditional foods eaten on the special day accompanied by glass after glass of Champagne, a tradition brought over from their close ties to Europe. Poems are revised, and New Year’s resolutions are sworn in, as they reflect on the events and memories of the past year. As the countdown to midnight begins, families hold tight to their loved ones, friends clink their champagne glasses, and when the clock strikes midnight, couples romantically move in for a New Year’s kiss! In Time Square, New York, Viewers look on as the 700-pound ball is dropped, setting off an explosion of fireworks, triggering off residents to compete in their firework displays!


Brazil's New Year’s parties are known throughout the world for their vibrantly positive celebrations. In other words, Brazil knows how to throw a party, and when it comes to New Year, they make no exception. Everyone heads to the beach! Brazil's unmatched devotion to the beach and the ocean is a fascinating display of color, music, and spirituality, as almost 3 million party-goers flood Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, showing the world the true meaning of Ano Novo, Vida nova! Which in Portuguese means, New Year, new life! Before heading to the beach, it is important to dress all in white. However, underneath, you are expected to wear colorful underwear to symbolize peace and equality! As the fireworks light up the night sky, it is a tradition to turn towards the sea to throw white flowers into the ocean, a spiritual offering to Lemenjá, and then jump seven waves for good luck!


To celebrate New Year’s in Spain, you first need to be as prepared as you can, by wearing your lucky red underwear! That's right! The Spanish are very superstitious about their particular rituals, that will bring about the best start to the next year. In addition, they will participate in the nation's biggest lottery draw, shrouded in myths and legendary ticket rubbing that will see a prosperous start to the New Year! Once the various preparations are in place and the house cleansed of all the bad energies gathered from the previous year, the countdown to midnight may begin! Gold objects dropped into Champagne will flow, and lentils will be passed amongst close friends and family. As the clock strikes midnight, 12 grapes are eaten, while standing on their right leg!


Italians are famous for their big family feasts, so you can imagine the magnitude of a New Years dining experience, where you will see Italian New Year’s traditions such as pigs trotters and lentils, symbolizing prosperity and wealth to all. Wearing the correct attire is also important to the Italians. However, you might fail to see the red underwear, to be worn and thrown the following day for good luck! On the subject of throwing things out, in preparation for the New Year, they will literally throw old belongings out the window! This is to cleanse the house and get rid of bad energies! As count-down approaches, it is essential to have a glass of prosecco and money in your pocket for prosperity as you look on at the spectacular firework displays happening outside!


The Danish New Year is a joyous occasion with the gathering of family and friends alike. The host will decorate the entire house in colorful decorations, lining the tables with crackers and providing funny-looking hats for guests to wear. All the guests will be eager to eat their traditional New Year’s food which tends to be boiled cod. However, anything delicious will do! The Danes will then look to the TV as the Queen delivers her annual New Year’s speech, seen as the true beginning of the celebrations! As the champagne starts flowing, the guests bear anticipation for the countdown to midnight, singing the two Danish national anthems, followed by the nation commencing countdown to midnight. This leads to a tradition of leaping from one’s chair, launching themselves into the New Year!


Canadians like to adapt to their environment, and when it comes to New Years celebrations, nature somewhat takes the helm! Of course, in the metropolis cities like Toronto, you will find yourself overwhelmed with fireworks, live music, and perhaps even an ice rink! However, the Canadian way points to a more outdoors, natural experience, and why wouldn’t they! The mountains, iced-over lakes and the abundance of wildlife. Families are attracted to traditional New Years activities such as ice fishing and ice-skating on their local lake. Others would go in search of the aurora borealis, nature’s answer to firework displays. Common for the time of year, they provide a mesmerizing experience. Or if you’re feeling like a challenge then why not take part in the national polar bear plunge!


Mexicans focus on traditional superstitions and rituals that bring the family together in preparation for the New Year cycle. Activities include eating a bowl of cooked lentils, symbolizing wealth. Lighting candles on a white plate surrounded by lentils, food and spices. Melted wax covers the food and spices, which are then buried for good luck and prosperity! Throwing water out of the window, and cleaning the house for rejuvenation, some will even sweep money back into the house for even more fortune! One fascinating New Year’s ritual is taking an empty suitcase for a walk around the block. This gesture will be sure to promise safe travel for the New Year. When the countdown to midnight begins, it is customary to eat 12 grapes while looking towards an impressive firework display!


In Colombia, the New Year is a big family occasion, an opportunity to celebrate progress and prosperity for the coming year. Preparation for the year to come is of great significance. This all begins in the wardrobe, assuring you have your newly purchased yellow underwear on! The family host will prepare the house by giving it a thorough clean to warn of bad spirits and set the table with the addition of 12 shafts of wheat that symbolize good harvest and food for everybody. As the sun goes down, the party starts to gain momentum, helped by a tradition of burning a doll called ´New Year´ stuffed with fireworks! As the countdown to midnight begins, attendees will eat 12 grapes and make a wish for each one. Additionally they will push their right leg forward for a steady year to come!